Why sell on Adibuja?




Happy Customers



Benefits of Selling on Adibuja

As an Adibuja seller, your products are available 24x7 to 100K+ of customers & businesses on India's Best Shopping Destination. More than 1000+ businesses, big and small, sell on Adibuja today. Selling on Adibuja brings a host of benefits for you.
Benefits - Secure payments


Secure payments, regularly

Funds are safely deposited directly to your bank account, even for Pay on Delivery orders, every 7 days.


Ship your orders, stress-free

Whether you choose Fulfillment by Adibuja (FBA) or Easy Ship, let us take care of delivering your products. and managing their return, if needed.


Services for every need

Get paid support from Adibuja empaneled third party professionals for product photography, account management and much more.


Keep your brand protected

You get control of Adibuja product pages that feature your brand name and logo with Brand Registry.


Get noticed with advertising

Find new customers with targeted ads and pay only when customers click.


Just click to get help

With Seller Support, Seller University, Help guides & Forums, help is a click away.

Experiences suppliers love to talk about

Adibuja low commission rates and lowest shipping charges have helped me increase my earnings and also provide better prices to my customers.

Geetanjali Shukla

Adibuja has helped me in increasing the reach of my brand to more customers. Today, I receive orders for my products from all over India

Pratik Shah

Adibuja support team constantly helps me with suggestions for what to sell and at what price to sell. I don't get that anywhere else.

Gajendra Parmer

How it Works?


Step 1

Create Account

All you need is GSTIN, PAN, Bank Account


Step 2

List Products

List the products you want to sell in your supplier panel


Step 3

Get Orders

Start getting orders with over 100K+ Indians actively shopping on our platform


Step 4

Lowest Cost Shipping

Products are shipped to the customer at the lowest costs


Step 5

Receive Payments

Payment for one week will be released on next week's Wednesday

Become a Seller today And avail all these benefits

Start Selling